Personal Website - Framer Template



Personal Stylist Website - Framer Template is a carefully crafted design solution designed for personal use seeking a smooth and dynamic online presence. This template can be used by all designers working in both the digital and fashion industries.

Key Features:

Sleek and aesthetic design. This Framer template boasts an elegant, modern design, and unusual animation that attracts attention and leaves a lasting impression because it combines an interesting and very rare format with fonts. By using this template to create your personal website, you will definitely stand out from your colleagues.

Universal home page: the website consists only of the main page, which has 8 sections:

1- main section

2- about us section

3- catchy phrase with parallax effect (is a continuation of the section about us)

4- advantages section

5- services section

6- social section

7- contact section

8- footer

and also all buttons lead to a direct letter to your email.

Payments are secure and encrypted